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Page Revision: 2011/06/24 06:00

Question 1:

Why do my P&L calculations look wrong in markets that have different price formats between the front and back months?
Answer 1

If the price format of a market changes from one day to the next, remaining GTC orders and rollover positions will be incorrectly priced. For example, the front month Euro trades in 0.0025 increments compared to 0.005 for all back months. The new front-month contract begins trading in the 0.0025 increments on the same trade date as the last trading day of the expiring front-month contract. Any order that remains in the system in the old format will not display correctly and could have a significant impact on P&L and rollover positions. These orders need to be cancelled and reentered. Rollover positions then need to be reentered with the new format using the "pit trade' functionality.

Question 2:

Is there a limit of windows you can have open at one time?

Answer 2

There isn’t a set limit; however there may be problems when someone has 40+ windows open of any kind. There is a limit on the number of markets you can get quotes for at once – this is currently set to 2500. If you exceed this limit then the market mode for markets over that limit will be red and say “Rejected”.

Question 3:

What phones or mobile devices does the mobile version work on?

Answer 3

Currently, our mobile version is compatible with the following devices: iPhone (All Versions) iPod Touch (All Versions) ipad Android Android Galaxy Tablet Windows Mobile 7 (HTC HD7) Nokia Symbian (N8) Opera Mini/Mobile (Droid & G1)

T4 mobile version may also be compatible with other newer devices not yet released. CTS continuously tests new devices to confirm compatibility.

For best functionality, CTS recommends using a device with the iOS (iPhone, IPod, iPad) operating system or the Android operating system.

Question 4

Can I run T4 through a Mac OSX platform?

Answer 4

The T4 Web Trader version works on MAC but not the T4 Desktop version. The Desktop version will work on Apple if you install Windows Operating System on a partition.

Question 5

What information is required to run the T4 Desktop Application behind a corporate firewall/internet proxy?

Answer 5

We have the following IP address ranges:

Internap - EQ-CER Range: /24 Mask:

Level3 - EQ-CER Range: /24 Mask:

Yipes - CBOT Range: /25 Mask:

Yipes - EQ-EGV Range: /24 Mask:

Internap - EQ-EGV Range: /24 Mask:

Our applications use port 80 & 443 on any of those IP’s. From a domain name perspective then you need *.t4login.com, *.sim.t4login.com and www.ctsfutures.com open. If your proxy requires authentication then you will need to allow T4 to bypass it as the Microsoft .Net Framework we use doesn’t support authenticating proxy servers. If your proxy doesn’t require authentication then T4 should work fine, but if it doesn’t then the simplest solution would be to bypass the proxy if that is possible.

Question 6

What are the minimum requirements to run your system?

Answer 6

It depends on how many windows and how active the trader is but here are some guidelines: Processor – 2.5GHz or higher Memory – 2 GB or more Video card – 256MB OS – XP, Vista or Windows 7

Question 7

Is your trading application available in languages other than English?

Answer 7

T4 is available in Chinese and Japanese. Your computer’s language would have to be changed to Chinese/Japanese because our platform pulls the settings from the operating system to display the language.

Question 8

I tried installing software after downloading but I get an error message which says, "Installer integrity has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact installer's author to obtain a new copy."

Answer 8

Causes: This can be caused by anti-virus software. Also on Windows XP, this can sometimes be solved by temporarily disabling the windows firewall (or other firewall software.) This can also happen if a computer is infected with malware/viruses.

Here’s a list of troubleshooting steps:

1. Update anti-virus software, run full scan.

2. Run any other anti-malware softwares (we recommend MalwareBytes software.)

3. Clear browser cache.

4. Disable any installed download accelerator/managers.

5. Temporarily disable anti-virus software.

6. Temporarily disable windows firewall.

7. Disable other firewall software (such as nVidia firewall installed on some machines.)

8. Check hard drive integrity using scandisk.

Question 9

I’m getting an error message that says “.NET failed to install, T4 was unsuccessful in loading”

Answer 9

It is not common for .Net to fail on installation. This piece of the install is all Microsoft. Our frontend checks to see if Framework is installed. If it isn't it prompts the user to install it. We have seen broken workstation builds in the past that were confused as to whether or not Framework was actually installed.

Here’s a list of troubleshooting steps:
1. Apply all pending Microsoft Updates. Open Internet Explorer. Go to Tools=>Windows Update Follow the instructions.

2. Manually install the Framework 1.1 packages. Framework 1.1 Package http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=262d25e3-f589-4842-8157-034d1e7cf3a3&DisplayLang=en

Framework 1.1 Sp 1 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a8f5654f-088e-40b2-bbdb-a83353618b38&DisplayLang=en

3. Reinstall our frontend (try it first without the reinstall).

4. If all the above fails, try another workstation (later versions of XP include Framework 1.1). In cases where we have gotten this far the workstation had serious OS issues.

5. Be sure there is sufficient disk space. You would have to read on Microsoft for the specific requirements. It would be hundreds of Mb though.

6. Be sure antivirus is disabled.

7. Be sure the user is logged in as an administrator.

8. User can try uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling .net framework, and running Windows updates

9. In a last ditch effort the user can try roll their machine back to a previous restore point. We have seen this work.

10. In general when something this fundamental has issues then it typically indicates a deeper issue and we would recommend a full OS rebuild. If it is a brand new machine then we would hold off and troubleshoot a bit.

Question 10

How would I send you log files?

Answer 10

While logged in one can capture the trace logs using the following instructions:
1. From Main window click the New Item drop down menu.

2. At the bottom of the list click Help and Support.

3. On the Help and Support dialog click View Support Logs.

4. Explorer will open.

5. Zip the Trace folder.

6. Attach the zip file to an email and email it to our support.

If you cannot login, you can access them by going to

C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data\CTS\Live\Trace

Or if you are using the simulated version

C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data\CTS\Simulator\Trace

Question 11

Where can I go to get a trial version of your software?

Answer 11

You can go to our website. www.ctsfutures.com Go to “Free Simulator” and register.

Question 12

What is the wireless host for trading on the trading floor?

Answer 12 www.t4login.com

Question 13

What do I do if I get locked out from too many failed login attempts? And how many attempts before I get logged out?

Answer 13

a) You need to contact your clearing firm administrator. If you do not know your clearing firm administrator, contact our support at 312 939 0164 or [email protected], and they can help you get in contact with your administrator.

b) You get five tries before you get locked out.

Question 14

How do I get started writing to your API?

Answer 14

You can start by signing up for our simulator by clicking this link and completing the registration form. https://cts.sim.t4login.com/register/

You can also go here to view our API docs. http://www.ctsfutures.com/t4_api.aspx

Any questions, please email [email protected]

Question 15

I was checking my user sessions under the mode header and some of the modes say “executeandquote” and some say “executeandquotepro”. What does this mean?

Answer 15

The most current version of the T4 desktop application can assign users to different servers based on role. Charting Users would display as “executeandquotepro” and non-charting users would display as “executeandquote”.

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